E-Government also known as e-gov, digital government, online government or transformational government, which is used to refer to the use of information and communication technology to provide and improve government services, transactions and interactions with citizens, businesses, and other arms of government.
Most of the e-government implementations of the project are currently in progress. The detailed objectives and status of each of the e-government implementation are:
Most of the e-government implementations of the project are currently in progress. The detailed objectives and status of each of the e-government implementation are:
Generic Office Environment (GOE)
It introduces a fully integrated, distributed and scalable office environment that leverages use of multimedia information technology. This will enable efficient communication, allowing collaboration across all workers, and ensuring right information reaching the right people in a timely manner.
Electronic Procurement (eP) Project
Its aim is to re-engineer, automate, and transform current procurement system. The project would cover central contract, tender, and direct purchase. The electronic procurement project has taken off the introduction of ePerolehan and can be accessed at http://www.eperolehan.com.my/.
Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS)
This e-government project will provide a single interface for government employees to perform human resource function effectively and efficiently.
Project Monitoring System (PMS)
This system is one of the e-government projects that will create a mechanism to monitor project implementation throughout various government agencies and statutory bodies.
Electronic Services Directory (e Services)
This project is a pilot project that allows citizens of Malaysia to engage in transactions with government and utilities payments such as telephone and electricity bills, police summons, Road and Transport Department (RTD) services and others.
Electronic Labor Exchange (ELX)
It improves the mobilization of human resources and optimize work force utilization through systematic matching of job seekers to job vacancies.
This project main objective is to improve the quality of service in Syariah courts.
Citizen’s adoption strategies
Government can make the advertisement through different ways in order to get the attention of the public and increase the people’s knowledge of e-government project and the availability of electronic services online. Besides that, the government also need to make sure the information provided to the users is always accurate, relevant and timeliness. The government also needs get the public confidence by securing the confidential information of the public. By increasing the customer satisfaction, the rate of e-government adoption will also increase.