Saturday, July 11, 2009

A Discussion on E-learning offered in Malaysian Universities: Prons and Cons from the student perspective

Electronic learning (E-learning) is a term for all types of technology-enhanced learning (TEL), where technology is used to support the learning process. In some instances, no face- to- face interaction takes place. E-learning is used interchangeably in a wide variety of contexts.

There are more advantages than disadvantages of having E-learning for a student. Lets discuss this matter.


1. Save travelling time and cost
They can save time from travelling to an university to study. Travelling costs might be very costly.

2. Time flexibility
Student can get online resources, communicate with his tutor or class mates, send his query and write term paper at any time he can get access to the Internet.

3. Suite different level of students
Some students can adapt faster while some adapt slower. Students have the option to select learning materials that meets their level of knowledge and interest by using E-learning.

4. More Response
Students in a large classroom seldom response to the lecturer. Therefore, E-learning helps student to interact more with the lecturer.

5. Fewer penalties from non-compliance
For example, students have to sign their attendances and without doing that, they will be bar for taking final exams in UTAR. E-learning helps students that often skip classes from such penalties.

6. Disease
E-learning keeps students away from diseases such as SARS and H1N1. These disease is easily infect from human to human such as by flu or cough. om response to the lecturer. Therefore, E-learning helps student to interact more with the lecturer.


1. Low motivation
Students with low motivation often work slow and fall behind others. Besides that, the students also will late for the submitment of the assignment or other work.

2. Easy to get confused
Some students will get lost about course activities and deadlines.

3. Internet connections
Slow Internet connections or older computers may make accessing course materials frustrating
Managing computer files and online learning software can sometimes seem complex for students with beginner-level computer skills

4. May create sense of isolated
During the learning process, the students may feel they are alone with only their computer. This makes some of the students quite uncomfortable.

5. Unfamiliar for the lack of IT skill students
Sometimes, the managing computer files and online learning software can sometimes seem complex for students with beginner-level computer skills.

6. Required more time
The online environment is text-based. To communicate with the instructor and other students, the students must type messages, post responses, and otherwise communicate through typing. However, typing is slower than speaking. It seems learn more in an online environment, but it need to make a greater effort to accomplish that learning.

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